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Our Chrysalis Awards
for Remodeling Excellence:

2018 Regional Best
Residential Exterior

National Award
2018 Commercial Remodel
under $500,000

2009 Regional Best
Detached Outbuilding

National Award
2008 Best
 Residential Specialty

2008 Best
Commercial Remodel


Teevan Restoration
Remodelers of
San Francisco, California
contact this remodeler

Industry Associations:
Professional Designation:

Susan Clark
2247 Union Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
Phone: 415 474-8826

2018 National Award

Commercial Remodel under $500,000


Haas-Lilienthal House, built in 1886, of locally sourced redwood and oak in the grand Queen Anne style, with splendid turrets, peaked roofs, balconies, and a brick chimney three stories tall.

This National Treasure landmark is the only Victorian–era residence with original furnishings open to the public in San Francisco. The repairs came just in time; parts of the exterior were held together only by old paint. The careful removal of twenty layers of paint, primer and rust blooms, restored the exterior to its original color palette.

This architectural and cultural gem welcomes visitors in its new chapter of life.